Municipal Service Benefit Units (MSBU)


Chapter 125.01(q) 1 of the Florida Statutes authorizes the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to create or abolish a MSBU. The law permits such districts to be created for the purpose of providing and maintaining facilities or services which specifically benefit property owners in a particular area. The facilities or services must provide a public purpose. Chapter 197.3632 for the Florida Statutes provides for the levy, collection and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments through the uniform method.

In essence, the County facilitates the collection of funds for specific local enhancements like sidewalks, streetlights, road upgrades, or maintenance. These funds are gathered from property owners within a defined area to finance improvements within that area. They are strictly allocated to the designated project and do not extend county-wide. For further information on MSBU Policy, please refer to the links section for the full policy.


What is an MSBU?

A Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) is a mechanism for property owners within unincorporated areas of the County to receive services for which they currently do not have. Examples of these are Street Lights and Paved Roads.

What are we able to use a MSBU for?

The MSBU may be created for: road paving, drainage, street lighting, speed humps, and fire protection, etc.

What do we do if a street light is out?

Street light outages can be reported directly to your local power company.
For Florida Power & Light residents’ outages are submitted online at
For emergencies, please call 1-800-225-5797.
For CHELCO streetlight outages, CHELCO requests you call them at (850) 892-2111 and speak with a member services representative. Please include the pole number located on the pole.


For more FAQs please refer to our links section.