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Roads Division


Okaloosa County’s Roads Division enhances road service by maintaining 870 miles of roadways and 73 wood and concrete bridges.  Roads Division crews work daily to ensure a safe transportation system in the unincorporated areas of Okaloosa County. Work also includes the assessment, construction and maintenance of stormwater facilities throughout the County.




Requests for work can be called in Monday-Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or Friday 8:00am to noon.


South Roads Division
   Phone: (850) 651-7392
   Fax: (850) 651-7397
North Roads Division
   Phone: (850) 689-5772
   Fax: (850) 689-5715

The Roads Division uses funds provided from state shared revenue and gasoline taxes collected and distributed by the State of Florida through Special Revenue Funds (County Transportation Trust Fund) and Capital Projects Funds (Road and Bridge Construction Fund).


Road Division Programs - FY24


Jason Autrey

Jason Autrey

Public Works Director

1759 S. Ferdon Boulevard
Crestview, FL 32536
Phone: (850) 689-5772
Fax: (850) 689-5715