Mosquito Control

mosq_ctrl_2.jpgThe Mosquito Control division operates a county-wide program, excluding the Air Force Bases and all state parks, which provides surveillance and spraying services to control mosquitoes in both the larval and adult stages.

Educational and abatement activities are also performed to control domestic mosquitoes to protect citizens from nuisance and health problems associated with large populations of mosquitoes. 

***2024 Mosquito Spray Operations will begin the evening of May 28, 2024.***

2024 Okaloosa County Mosquito Control Schedule

Links to Adulticiding Maps -- Day of Treatment

North Okaloosa County

North Okaloosa County - Crestview Area

South Okaloosa County - Destin Area

South Okaloosa County - Fort Walton Beach Area

South Okaloosa County - Niceville Area

South Okaloosa County - West County


Contact Information:

Scott Henson, Director

Eric Evers, North County  

Brian Shepheard, South County

Beekeeper Information:

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACs) maintains a registry of beekeepers in the State of Florida. It is Florida State Law (Florida Statutes, Chapter 586) that all beekeepers, whether agricultural or residential, register their apiaries with the State (see links below).  It is recommended that registered beekeepers contact their local Mosquito Control ((850-651-7394 or 850-689-5774) to discuss Mosquito Control operations that may affect their apiaries.  Based on the information provided, beekeepers can then initiate preventative measures to reduce risk of impacts from mosquito treatment. 

Florida’s apiaries are under siege from pests and diseases. The parasitic varroa mite, small hive beetle and Africanized honey bee are just a few of the pests endangering honey bee populations in Florida.  Unregistered apiaries can be a source of these pests which can spread to other apiaries.  Registered apiaries will receive periodic State inspections to assess the heath of a beekeeper’s apiaries and receive guidance in the maintenance of a healthy hive.  Inspectors can also assist in the removal of threats from an unhealthy apiary.

Beekeeper Links

FDACS Beekeeper Registration Webpage

FDACS Beekeeper compliance agreement

Mosquito Control and Beekeeper relations

Disease Vector Information:

Citizens can sign up for free disease vector information alerts via the following website: Surveillance information and reported cases disease can be quickly access via an interactive map.  When a disease outbreak occurs, those who have signed up for the notification and live within a 250-mile radius will receive a text or email message to alert them of the potential threat.

Owners or caretakers who transport their livestock and want to stay abreast of disease threats in other parts of the country can enter multiple ZIP codes in the site's search field. If you sign up to the site, you will then be able to receive alerts for all areas selected.

Of the 80 mosquito species found in Florida, approximately 30 species can be found in Okaloosa County, and to the trained eye, each one looks as different as a poodle and a starfish. Adult mosquitoes vary widely in size, color, active range, feeding habits, larval ecosystem and range in length from 1/8 inch to 1-1/2 inches. 

The Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) shown above, is common around homes since its invasion into Okaloosa County, and is one of the smaller mosquitoes. Unlike most other mosquitoes, they are voracious day biters.  Most other species feed at dusk or dawn or if disturbed from resting in daylight hours.  While Ae. albopictus is a huge nuisance; it deserves some credit for the control of malaria in Florida.  Ae. albopictus competes with the malaria vector Ae. aegypti for breeding sites and has nearly pushed them out of the State.  Other mosquitoes you may find in your yard or home are usually bigger than Ae. albopictus.  Mosquitoes share similar habits, but each has a distinct lifestyle. Fortunately, not very many of these species are major pests or disease vectors.

Mosquitoes that carry diseases (referred to as disease vectors) that are commonly found in Okaloosa County are:

Genus Abbreviations – Aedes-Ae., Anopholes-An., Culiseta-Cs., Coquillettidia-Cq., Culex-Cx., Psorophora-Ps., Mansonia-Ms.

Dengue Saint Louis Encephalitis (SLE)
Ae. albopictus Cx. nigripalpus
Malaria Cx. quinquefaciatus
An. quadrimaculatus Cx. salinarius
An. crucians West Nile Virus
An. punctipennis Ae. venaxs
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Cx. restuants
Ae. vexans Cx. nigripalpus
Cs. melanura – infects birds not humans Cx. quinquefasciatus
Cq. perturbans Cx. salinarius
Ae. canadensis Yellow Fever
Ae. solicitans Ae. albopictus
Cx. nigripalpus Chikungunya
Cx. quinquefaciatus Ae. albopictus
Ae. mitchellae Dog Hearthworm
Cx. erraticus Ae. sollicitans
Ms. titillans  
Zika Virus Ae. vexans
Ae. albopictus Cx. quinquefasciatus

If you live in Okaloosa County or anywhere in Florida, there is no way to escape contact with mosquitoes.  Please use the information on this website to become familiar with these pests, your options for avoidance and County Control Measures.  Please keep in mind, there is no way to completely eradicate the mosquito without irreparable harm to the environment. 

The most prudent alternative to eradication is control.  The Okaloosa County Mosquito Control District employs ten employees; one Director, one Supervisor, one Foreman, one Surveillance Specialist and six technicians..  The District mosquito control measures are based on integrated pest management.  The USEPA defined Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as follows:  “IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.”