COVID-19 is a major challenge for our entire community affecting our very way of life. While we are going through a difficult time now, we know there will be brighter days ahead. We remain focused on how we can better support our residents, businesses, workers, and the community-at-large.
While we have provided many informational resources related to the virus itself, we are now beginning to shift into making sure we have a successful recovery. To do that we are working to get out the best informational resources we can for affected businesses and unemployed workers.
Please use the Economic Recovery Page as a one-stop shop location to easily access the State and Federal Assistance, whether you’re an affected business or unemployed worker. Besides these links, you will see locally made videos from experts (for business applications) that seek to better help your business navigate these programs.
These sites will continue to evolve as conditions change and as we seek to improve their effectiveness.
We encourage you to utilize these resources and be a part of our successful recovery!!!
Most Sincerely,
Robert A. “Trey” Goodwin III, Chairman
Okaloosa Board of County Commissioners
In general, the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) is a portion of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress and signed into law by the President in March 2020 in response to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds are being channeled through the County SHIP network in order to get funds out to those households that need assistance as quickly as possible. These funds can be used to pay eligible costs from March 1, 2020 through Dec 31, 2020.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act established the new $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) under the Small Business Administration. The PPP prioritizes millions of Americans employed by small businesses by authorizing up to $349 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses.
Small businesses and eligible nonprofit organizations, Veterans organizations and Tribal businesses described in the Small Business Act, as well as individuals who are self-employed or are independent contractors, are eligible if they also meet program size standards.
The new loan program will help small businesses with their payroll and other business operating expenses it will provide critical capital to businesses without collateral requirements, personal guarantees, or SBA fees - all with a 100% guarantee by the SBA. All loan payments will be deferred for six months. Most importantly, the SBA will forgive the portion of the the loan proceeds that are used to cover the first eight weeks of payroll costs, rent, utilities and mortgage interest.
The Paycheck Protection Program is specifically designed to help small businesses keep their workforce employed, Visit for more information on the Paycheck Protection Program. Additional information on the program can be found at
Special thanks to the Ft. Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, City of Ft. Walton Beach, Mr. Tony Hughes, County Commissioner Nathan Boyles, and the other Ft. Walton Beach Chamber members who helped make all our local videos.
The Florida Small Business Development Center Network and Florida Department of Economic Opportunity disaster specialists can assist small businesses in developing a preparedness plan and with other strategies to safeguard their employees and customers, and ensure the continued operation of their business.
Our Small Business Development Center Network is housed at the University of West Florida
Taking Applications Beginning May 26, 2020 - May 29, 2020 - Or Until Funds are Depleted
The SBA works directly with state governors to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and non-profits that have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The SBA's Economic Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. Commissioner Nathan Boyles, experts in the field of accounting and finance and the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce teamed up to create this video explaining how this program works. Visit for more information.
302 N. Wilson St. - Suite 302
Crestview, FL 32536
1250 N. Eglin Parkway, Suite 100
Shalimar, FL 32579
Call 850-689-5050 or 850-423-1542 for all departments.