All Beach Safety Lifeguards are academy trained to the Advanced level of the United States Lifesaving Association's open water standard and are medically trained as First Responders in accordance with the U.S.D.O.T. & N.R.E.M.T national standard curriculum. All Senior staff members are Florida certified Emergency Medical Technicians. Beach Safety staff respond to a multitude of medical and trauma related emergencies as well as, effect surf rescue, and provide incident command during major incidents on the beach.
Beach Safety Contact:
- Non-emergency/Ops Tower: 850-259-4131
- 850-259-5874 or
Community outreach and public education on the importance of beach safety remains the most effective tool in promoting a safer beach environment. For that reason, the Beach Safety Division focuses daily on making contact with the public on the beach to educate as many people as possible on the flag warning system, rip currents, ordinances, and general beach safety. The success of this program is due in no small part to the outstanding public education effort made by all of the dedicated professionals in the Beach Safety Division.
Daily Beach flag information can be found on the County Facebook page or you can receive daily text alerts by texting BEACH to 44144.

The following are offered for free on a first-come, first-served basis:
- Okaloosa County (Okaloosa Island beaches) offers beach wheelchairs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from March 1 to Oct. 31. They even will deliver them to beach access points and any of the condominiums or hotels on Okaloosa Island, from Beasley Park to the El Matador Resort. Call (850) 259-4131 for a reservation.
- Destin Fire Control District has wheelchairs available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day. They can be used at James Lee Park, and at the Shirah Street and June White Decker public beach accesses. Call (850) 837-8413 for a reservation.
- Henderson Beach State Park, which is ADA accessible, has beach wheelchairs available during park hours. Stop in at the park office for a key, then retrieve them where they’re stored. Keys must be returned by the end of the day.

Welcome Juniors Summer 2025!
WHEN: Session-July 14th – July 25th, 9 AM -4 PM $325.00
Okaloosa County's Junior Lifeguard Program is designed to reach out to our community through our youths, to educate beach patrons about beach safety. Our program teaches Juniors water rescues, self-rescues, rip current anatomy, and hands-only CPR. Junior Lifeguards also take trips to Okaloosa Island Fire Department, EMS as well as Gulf Flight helicopter tours!
We look forward to seeing you out on the beach!
Submit the completed, signed form to Lt. Robertson at or drop your check and application off at Beach Safety Head Quarters at the Boardwalk on Miracle Strip Parkway next to Anglers on Okaloosa Island. Checks should be made out to ECLA.
Parents please ensure drop off and pick up times are followed. Thank you! If you have any questions please call Lt. Shiloh Robertson (850) 259-3999.