Mission: To protect the health, safety and welfare of our community with pride and professionalism.
Emergency Management is dedicated to providing professional and fiscally responsible service to our community. We continuously strive to improve the preparedness and protection of Okaloosa county residents and visitors. We do this through public outreach, educational programs, coordination of multi-agency plans and responses and interaction with state agencies.
EOC Activation
In the event of an emergency and if the Emergency Operations Center Activates, up-to-date information can be found at myokaloosa.com/eoc/home, Okaloosa County Alert System (click HERE to sign up) and pushed out to traditional media and social media outlets.

Information & Helpful Links to Prepare, Plan and Protect your Family in a Disaster:
Guide for Healthcare Facility Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP)
**NOTE: Your agency does not have to fill these forms out. These forms serve as a guide for Emergency Management during the review process. If you have questions please reach out to Okaloosa County Emergency Planner Destiny Nunez at dnunez@myokaloosa.com.
PDF Guide: Healthcare Facility Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP)
Okaloosa County Emergency Management Review Process Tips
- Please turn the CEMP at least 90 days prior to your AHCA plan review to ensure the continuation of your license.
- There are 3 chances to provide needed information after submittal and if the information is not provided, the plan will not be approved. There will only be one make-up submittal for the annual review.
- Submit your hard copy plans to Okaloosa County Emergency Management at the Emergency Operations Center located at 90 E College Blvd, Niceville, FL 32578. (No flash drives)
- Okaloosa County Emergency Management does not currently charge fees/dues for review.
- Remember to lock in your Mutual Aid Agreements. Emergency Management request at least 2 for each of the following: transportation, evacuation facilities, food and water vendors, fuel suppliers, and pharmaceutical vendors.
- Ensure that your fire plan is reviewed and approved by the fire department of your facility’s jurisdiction. There must be an approval letter included. An inspection report is also beneficial for approval but not required.
- Ensure that there are recent maintenance records of your generator/power source and cooling source included as well as letters from the certified mechanic/maintenance/electrician attesting that the equipment is sufficient to meet the temperature requirements. This goes for ALL HEALTHCARE FACILITIES. ALF’s and nursing homes should ensure that documents specify the minimum 72 hours. Hospitals and ASC’s do not need to specify this requirement, but proof that your generator works, is well maintained and that you have a fuel plan and emergency plan in case it doesn’t.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
The CERT Course benefits anyone who takes it. Graduates are better prepared to respond to and cope with the aftermath of natural or manmade disasters. CERT in Okaloosa County are neighborhood-based. CERT are not emergency responders, they are trained to assist their neighbors after a disaster should the need arise.